Don't update this file - It's a time stamp created on Nov 10, 2013 at 8:46amThis is just a log entry to get a time stamp for the events that happened yesterday.Yesterday at the Amnesty International Concert or AI concert in Tempe I felt that I was unjustly abused by Amnesty International and Scott Henderson. Scott Henderson is the guy who runs the Tempe AI chapter. I suspect Scott Henderson is the guy who abused me and not Amnesty International. He always has seemed to dislike me when I went to the AI meeting in Tempe. Of course that is perfectly legal, and I don't have a problem if Scott Henderson hates me, if he really does. I suspect what happened yesterday at Kiwanas Park in Tempe is a result of his hate towards me. Or at least the hate I think he has toward me. I doubt that anybody else in AI hates me. You will be hearing more about this in the days that come. I will probably file a lawsuit suing Scott Henderson and Amensty International for this perceived abuse me. More on this in this link. When I add my other stuff add it to this file scott_henderson_ai___mas.html. This is a link to this file and the full name is scott_henderson_ai_amnensty.html. |