Homeless in Arizona

Arizona Prosecutors Website

  In yesterdays Arizona Republic (Tuesday, August 13, 2013) I saw an article about a new Arizona Prosecutors web page. It was mostly a propaganda page telling us why our prosecutors are wonderful.

I think that Sheila Polk, the Yavapai County Prosecutor was one of the people behind the website. Sheila Polk is also one of the tyrants trying to flush Arizona's medical marijuana law down the toilet.

One item that interested me was they claimed that they don't send boatloads of people to prison for victimless drug war crimes. I suspect that is a big lie. Or they tweaked the statistics to make it look that way.

I have a number of statistics that say anywhere from over half to two thirds of the people in American prisons are in there for victimless drug war crimes.

The site claimed that most people arrested for "drug war crimes" were also arrested for other crimes. And thus the drugs were the secondary problem compared to the other crime.

To tweak the statistics you could take somebody who was stopped for speeding, and then arrested for having marijuana in the car by claiming the real crime was speeding and not the marijuana.

While statistically that may be correct we know the police almost never arrest people for speeding, but routinely arrest people for marijuana possession. But what happens is the cops use the speeding crime to stop the person and use the speeding stop as a lame excuse to search the car looking for drugs.

Today I tried to find the article about the new prosecutors website in the Arizona Republic today but I could not.

I guess I should call the Arizona Republic and asked them if they can help me find the new website.

Next I Googled looking for "Arizona prosecutors".

While I didn't find the website I was looking for I did find this web site which also looks like it is a propaganda page for Arizona prosecutors.

It's title is

Arizona Prosecuting Attorneys' Advisory Council


I was kind of annoyed because they have a bunch of secret stuff on the web page which you must login to view.

I tried creating an account, but it seems they only grant accounts to people who are lawyers.

I wonder if that is legal per the Arizona Constitution??? I GOT THE WEBSITE!!!!!! IT IS: http://azsentencing.org http://azsentencing.org/component/content/article/35-services/112-top-myths-about-arizona-sentencing-laws#myth3 Myth #3: Arizona prisons are filled with first-time drug offenders and others guilty of minor crimes. Fact: Nearly 95% of Arizona’s prison inmates have committed multiple felonies and/or a violent felony, including crimes against children or sex offenses, and others defined as “dangerous” under Arizona law. Fewer than 100 of the roughly 40,000 inmates in our prison system are there for possessing drugs – and most of these convicts pled their cases down from more serious offenses. All other drug offenders in our prisons are there for narcotics trafficking, a serious crime with enormous economic and societal costs.

Homeless in Arizona

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