Homeless in Arizona

December 2013


N.Y. judge rules NSA phone surveillance is legal

Tempe teen prostitution sting: Dozens hung up after ‘girls’ said they were 16

New sidewalks prevent mail delivery in Paradise Valley

2014 ushers in new state laws on issues from medical marijuana to tanning beds

Coliseum incurred big expense in trying to keep USC lease talks secret

Países donde ser homosexual es un delito

La Patrulla Fronteriza utilizará globos aerostáticos

Puerto Peñasco está seguro

Priest framed for child abuse spends 18 months in prison????

Tucson sued for favoring area contractors

Marijuana makes Uruguay country of the year

Papers Please - This ain't Nazi Germany, it's Phoenix Arizona!!!!

General Gutierrez Rebollo, protector of drug traffickers dies in Mexico

Flushing the 2nd Amendment down the toilet in Illinois!!!!

Ex-employee accuses lobbying firm of directing illegal contributions

Life time free medical insurance for part time government bureaucrats????

More on those "gay" pot dealers in Colorado!!!!!

NSA reportedly intercepting laptops purchased online to install spy malware

First legal marijuana retailers to open Jan. 1 in Colorado

Health law calls for calorie counts on vending machines

Uruguay’s marijuana growers come out into open

Think of it as a huge do nothing jobs program for cops

De Blasio inherits big counterterror force

Pot makes Uruguay country of the year

Arizona faces growing cost of private prisons

Portable drug test a new addition at New Year's DUI checkpoints

Where is all the medical marijuana related crime????

Pitfalls abound as legal marijuana sales begin

‘Pothead’ stereotype might be real, study suggests

A jobs program for Scottsdale Police Officers????

U.S. judge: NSA program is likely unconstitutional

Tempe officer in I-8 collision was on house arrest

Stores abuse shoplifting suspects

More border agents assisting local police

Just another Border Patrol beating and murder

Sheriffs Refuse to Enforce Laws on Gun Control

Ex-San Mateo County sheriff's deputy pleads not guilty to more charges related to beating

Facebook pic of dangling dog leads to charges

Marijuana Legalization Supported by More Than Half of Arizonans

Arizona Marijuana-Legalization Bill Will Be Proposed by House Democrat

Govt drops objection to publishing secret opinion

City of Phoenix’s credit rating downgraded

Arizonans' health subsidies take hit

Arizona's Legal Dispensaries Sold More Than 2.5 Tons of Medical Marijuana in First Yea

Marijuana Policy Project Plans Arizona Legalization Measure for 2016

Marijuana Legalization in Arizona: Polls Come Up With Wildly Different Levels of Support

Why It's Crazy To Try To Set DUI Limits For Marijuana

Horne's position on prayer at government meetings

Feds kill 26 barred owls to help spotted owl

L.A. Councilman Huizar accused of groping woman in 2005

Obamacare - ACA - Dead on arrival!!!!! DOA

Canadian court strikes down anti-prostitution laws

Woman billed $5K after cavity search for drugs

Uganda lawmakers approve life sentence for gays

Leaders let us down all the time

Highland Park assault weapons suit in federal court

Helicopter gunships used in Mexico resort battle

Helicopter gunships used in Mexico resort battle

When Glendale was boring and solvent

Drive-thru windows allowed for Naperville pot clinics

Oak Forest deputy fire chief, wife accused of stealing $350K

Order to stop new ammunition record-keeping law in Sunnyvale denied

Man named Noel arrested for climbing public Christmas tree

Pastor gets 12 years for stealing $1.6M in loans, donations

60 kilos of marijuana busted inside a Mexican prison!!!

State had data on CPS crisis for years

DHS removed more than 368,000 immigrants in 2013

Topless hot-tub pic has mom in hot water

Al Goldstein, pornography pioneer and Screw magazine publisher, dies at 77

Pastor defrocked after performing gay wedding

Pastor gets 12 years for stealing $1.6M in loans, donations

FOS - Sheriff's special hiring program favored friends and relatives

Unions need to give the public a break

Woodstock residents rip inquiry of officer

Mt. Soledad cross: Take it down

Obama the oblivious

Mansfield, Ohio, air base’s fate reflects a larger battle between active duty, Guard

Only criminals speak Arabic????

AIDS vaccine test results faked

Scottsdale museum may renew city’s ties to Old West

Holy sighting on Scottsdale cheesecake?

The sledgehammer justice of mandatory minimum sentences

Marijuana Legalization Supported by More Than Half of Arizonans

Arizona Marijuana-Legalization Bill Will Be Proposed by House Democrat

Govt drops objection to publishing secret opinion

City of Phoenix’s credit rating downgraded

Arizonans' health subsidies take hit

Arizona's Legal Dispensaries Sold More Than 2.5 Tons of Medical Marijuana in First Yea

Marijuana Policy Project Plans Arizona Legalization Measure for 2016

Marijuana Legalization in Arizona: Polls Come Up With Wildly Different Levels of Support

Why It's Crazy To Try To Set DUI Limits For Marijuana

Horne's position on prayer at government meetings

Feds kill 26 barred owls to help spotted owl

L.A. Councilman Huizar accused of groping woman in 2005

Obamacare - ACA - Dead on arrival!!!!! DOA

Canadian court strikes down anti-prostitution laws

Woman billed $5K after cavity search for drugs

Uganda lawmakers approve life sentence for gays

Leaders let us down all the time

Highland Park assault weapons suit in federal court

Helicopter gunships used in Mexico resort battle

Helicopter gunships used in Mexico resort battle

When Glendale was boring and solvent

Drive-thru windows allowed for Naperville pot clinics

Oak Forest deputy fire chief, wife accused of stealing $350K

Order to stop new ammunition record-keeping law in Sunnyvale denied

Covert action in Colombia

Game and Fish disputes claim of excessive travel costs

Weak U.S. card security made Target a juicy target

Who says government work doesn't pay well????

On-duty police deaths may hit 70-year low in 2013

Campaign 'slush funds' tapped for luxuries

Higher Chicago taxes, fines and fees for 2014

Air Force general dismissed for drunken antics in Moscow

After 11 years in prison for murder he didn't commit, L.A. man is free

A spy world reshaped by Edward Snowden

The Federal Reserve was created 100 years ago. This is how it happened.

Phoenix 'Melrose' arch creates identity, but cost questioned

N.S.A. Spied on Allies, Aid Groups and Businesses

Yemen Deaths Test Claims of New Drone Policy

Involuntary commitment isn't as bad as you think

Chicago police officer charged with battering senior citizen while off-duty

Arpaio: The gift that keeps on giving

Canadian court strikes down anti-prostitution laws

Former Tempe officer charged in police pursuit

Phoenix Police support murderer Richard Chrisman

Judge strikes down Utah’s same-sex marriage ban

Uganda lawmakers approve life sentence for gays

‘New Times’ journalists were arrested in dead of night

County settles suits over Arpaio, Thomas

Phoenix woman sentenced in teenage sex case

Nueva oficina de Phoenix en México

The problem isn't the NSA, the problem is CONGRESS!!!!

Phoenix wastes tax dollars opening office in Mexico City

Impact of PHX Sky Train awaited

Edward Snowden - Mission’s accomplished

Marijuana smuggling in peak season, Pinal officials say

Phoenix unveiled a $15,000 sculptural portable seating piece.

This FBI agent had a boneheaded plan to copyright a secret interrogation manual

Will the NSA have to curtail some intelligence tools?

Atheists, work with us for peace, Pope says on Christmas

Colorado resorts brace for marijuana tourism

Communist Party feeling uneasy about Mao ahead of his birthday celebrations

Chandler council approves mayor, member pay raises

A solution to the wage debate

Utah's gay marriage ban back in court, weddings could be stopped

Mesa woman accused of leaving boy, 2, on balcony at night

Russian designer of AK-47 dies at age 94

U.S. Flouts Its Own Advice in Procuring Overseas Clothing

What prostitutes can teach the Canadian government

Health plan sticker shock ahead for some buyers

Listen to Madison on firearms

El presidente más pobre y la mariguana

Merry Christmas from the folks at the NSA

The problem isn't the NSA, the problem is CONGRESS!!!!

Tempe Messy Yard Cops mixing government and religion????

FBI participates in drug war murder and drug rip off???

Grand Avenue: New life envisioned for old tracks

Marc Victor on Facebook

Marc Victor on Facebook via Vahid Thane Lee Eichenauer

Arizona Lottery revenue has grown, but tracking how funds are used proves difficult

Sadly government is all about MONEY

Phoenix Police Shake Down Homeless???

I suspect cops love to arrest homeless people because they are a lot safer and easier to arrest then real criminals like robbers and rapists. Read more in this article.

Mesa rulers think they deserve to be paid like royalty!!!!

In this article the royal rulers of Mesa, Arizona want to pay themselves like royal rulers!!!!

Geek wars: Techies combat NSA spies

More on that government spying on us in this article.

Airport chaplains let fliers connect with heavens

F*ck the Constitution, in this article religious nut jobs think they have the right to use the force of government to get us to worship their phony baloney Jesus god.

Why government routinely fails!!!

And why government will always fail in this article

Only "good citizens" have Constitutional Rights???

Only "good citizens" have constitutional rights. Sadly that's what our government masters seem to think in this article.

An honest cop?? An oxymoron???

Why yes, an honest cop is frequently an oxymoron. Read more in this article.

Remember when the Fullerton cops beat Kelly Thomas to death????

We certainly do remember about the Fullerton cops beating up Kelly Thomas. More in this article.

Dec 1 - It's getting cold!!! Brrr!!!!!!

Winter is here now and in just 2 months it shifted from 100°+ temps in October to freezing cold 60°+ days in December.

I hate winter and I am waiting for summer to come back in April when we start getting our 100°+ temps.

Dec 4 - Froze my butt off - It's cold again!!!!

It's supposed to get real cold over the next several days. I froze last night.

Dec 4 - Meeting

Rain seemed p*ssed off at me.

I suspect Pat told her a bunch of lies like he told Dan.

Rain also criticized people for criticizing NORML and other people.

I find that rather odd.

If you remember Kathy criticized Dennis's petition to legalize marijuana.

I think Kathy said it would never pass because it wasn't funded.

Of course Kathy has changed here position, now that Dennis's petition is being widely accepted in the community that wants to legalize pot.

My view is I could care less if Dennis's petition passes or fails.

To me the goal is to get us one step closer to legalizing marijuana, and I think Dennis's petition is doing that.

Next months NORML will meet on the 2nd Wed of the month, because the First Wed is New Year's day.

The 25 mile lawsuit was thrown out of court!!!!!

That really sucks. I am sure it's all about politics and nothing to do with our rights.

Of course that is why the Founders gave us the 2nd Amendment!!!!!

Thursday, Dec 5 - Libertarians are spreading lies about me!!!

I have suspect this for the last 14 years, but I finally confirmed it today when I talked to Mike Kielsky. Members of the Arizona Libertarian Party are spreading lies about me.

Michael Kielsky told me he had heard stores about me.

I think it's time for me to heard the same stories that those hypocrites in the Libertarian Party are telling about me.

Friday, Dec 6 - Attacked at the Light Rail Station

This kind of reminds me of a couple weeks back when Scott Henderson of Amnesty International ripped off my arm band and then ripped off my shirt.

As I was getting off the 56 bus at the light rail station some guy yelled at me and threatened to beat me up.

The only reason I can think of is because I am homeless and the guy hates homeless people. I suspect that's the same reason Scott Henderson of Amnesty International hates me.

The jerk ended up stealing my ski cap and I think he also smashed my glasses.

I am pretty lucky he didn't beat me up.

Although he was chasing me and did attempt to attack me.

I got on the 56 bus at Broadway just after 5:45 pm.

I think the guy who tried to beat me up got on at the same location.

He was a big muscular guy who looked like a construction worker.

He was carrying a white construction helmet or hardhat as I think they are called.

We both got off the bus at the light rail station and that is when he tried to attack me.

I asked the bus driver to call the cops. He refused.

Normally I wouldn't waste my time calling the cops, but I ended up calling them at the light rail station.

I hit the emergency button at the station.

That was after they guy stole my ski hat, smashed my glasses and chased me around.

The cop never came.

Two new lines to give Christian nut jobs????

Some nut job Christian told me I need to repent for my sins.

Even though I always pay my taxes, and have never used an illegal drug in my life I lied and told the woman:

Hey, the only sins I have are not paying my taxes and smoking a little marijuana now and then.

I am sure Jesus knows that taxes are stealing and he certainly doesn't consider not paying my taxes a sin that I need to repent for.

I also told her that I didn't think Jesus considers smoking marijuana a sin and that even if he does I wasn't going to repent for it because I like smoking marijuana.

That really thru the Christian nut job woman for a loop.

Marijuana Petions on Mill Avenue

We were circulating petitions to legalize marijuana on Mill Avenue.

I was surprised because the cops didn't harass me.

In general a lot of people were very receptive to the idea of legalizing marijuana.

We got about 140 signatures from 10 am to 4 pm.

I thought it was funny that a bunch of kids selling candy decided to stand behind us and sell candy to people that passed us by.

I wonder do those kids know about the marijuana munchies????

Petition to legalize marijuana in Arizona

This is the
petition I originally wrote.

Here is a text copy of the petition which I have sent out in emails.

Note the text copy of the petition ie: text has a few things in it that the HTML version does not have.

Russian designer of AK-47 dies at age 94

According to this article Mikhail Kalashnikov, the designer of the Russian AK-47 rifle has died!!!!

Target Credit Cards Hacked and Stolen

Here is an interesting article about how gazillions of Target credit card numbers were stolen.

Al Goldstein, pornography pioneer and Screw magazine publisher, dies

According to this article Al Goldstein, pornography pioneer and Screw magazine publisher died.

Mexican police murder 5 suspected drug lords in Rocky Point

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican police murder 5 suspected drug dealers in Rocky Point

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican Army murders 5 suspected drug lords in Rocky Point

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican Army murders 5 suspected drug dealers in Rocky Point

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican police use helicopter gunships to murder drug lords in Rocky Point

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican police murder 5 suspected drug dealers in Rocky Point

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican police use helicopter gunships to murder drug dealers in Rocky Point

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican Army uses helicopter gunships to murder drug dealers in Rocky Point

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican police murder 5 suspected drug lords in Puerto Peñasco

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican police murder 5 suspected drug dealers in Rocky Point

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican Army murders 5 suspected drug lords in Puerto Peñasco

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican Army murders 5 suspected drug dealers in Puerto Peñasco

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican police use helicopter gunships to murder drug lords in Puerto Peñasco

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican police murder 5 suspected drug dealers in Puerto Peñasco

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican police use helicopter gunships to murder drug dealers in Puerto Peñasco

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

Mexican Army uses helicopter gunships to murder drug dealers in Puerto Peñasco

According this article the Mexican military or perhaps Mexican Federal police used American paid for BlackHawk Helicoptors to murder 5 suspected drug dealers or drug lords in Rocky Point, Mexico.

While Americans from Arizona call it Rocky Point the official name of the city is Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico.

While Puerto Peñasco or Rocky Point may sounds like some distant town deep inside Mexico, in reality it is only about 200 miles from Phoenix and Tucson is a vacation spot for many Arizonans who want a cheaper place to vacation on the beach then San Diego or Los Angeles.

FBI participates in drug war murder and drug rip off???

More on this here.

Covert action in Colombia

More on this here.

Just another Border Patrol beating and murder

More on this here.

Subway vigilante Goetz fighting pot charge

More on this here.

More on that narco gun battle in Rocky Point or Puerto Peñasco

More on this here.

5 dead after Rocky Point gunbattle involving police, official says

More on this here.

60 kilos of marijuana busted inside a Mexican prison!!!

More on this here.

Helicopter gunships used in Mexico resort battle

More on this here.

Mexican Police use Helicopter gunships to murder suspected drug dealers

More on this here.

Suman 5 muertos tras balacera en Puerto Peñasco

More on this here.

Puerto Peñasco, el último lugar del “Macho Prieto”

More on this here.

Rocky Point Shootout Killed a Cartel Boss, Mexican Officials Say -- But His Body's Missing

More on this here.

Steller: In Rocky Point, not enough whitewash for a helicopter gunship

More on this here.

At least 5 killed in gunfight in Rocky Point's resort area

More on this here.

Puerto Peñasco está seguro

More on this here.

Helicopter gunships used in Mexico resort battle

More on this here.

Puerto Peñasco está seguro

More on this here.

More on those "gay" pot dealers in Colorado!!!!!

OK, they are really not "gay", that's just a marketing technique they are using to push their wares!!!!

More on those 'gay' marijuana dealers in Colorado

More on those 'gay' marijuana dealers in Colorado

More on those 'gay' marijuana dealers in Colorado

More on those 'gay' marijuana dealers in Colorado

More on those 'gay' marijuana dealers in Colorado

More on those 'gay' marijuana dealers in Colorado


Visit Death Valley!!!!!!

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Police unions that support Kyrsten Sinema

If you love living in a police state Kyrsten Sinema wants your vote. In this article Kyrsten Sinema is endorsed by a number of police unions.

Arizona Fraternal Order of Police endorses Sinema

If you love living in a police state Kyrsten Sinema wants your vote. In this article Kyrsten Sinema is endorsed by the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police.

Sue the government over these laws

1) They have passed several laws that require you report crimes and dead bodies. Sue over them. Those laws are almost certainly a violation of the 5th Amendment (self incrimination) and 13th Amendment (slavery).

2) The law requiring taxi drivers to take drug tests. Despite Prop 203 which says in ARS 36-2802 that medical marijuana patients can't be busted for DUI because of marijuana metabolites in their system, the cops are arresting medical marijuana patients for DUI per ARS 28-1381

But Prop 203 which is Arizona's medical marijuana law in ARS 36-2802.D, clearly says if you are a medical marijuana patient you can not be arrested for DUI because you have marijuana metabolites in you body:

ARS 36-2802.D Operating, navigating or being in actual physical control of any motor vehicle, aircraft or motorboat while under the influence of marijuana, except that a registered qualifying patient shall not be considered to be under the influence of marijuana solely because of the presence of metabolites or components of marijuana that appear in insufficient concentration to cause impairment.

3) Law that limits light rail fare to 5 cents or is that 25 cents or a quarter.

Where was that photos shot at????

At this web site they will use the GPS metatags embedded in you photos to tell you the location that your photo was shot at.

Most modern cell phones will allow you to record the location of any photos you shoot by embedding meta tags which contain the GPS location the photo was shot in the photo's files.

Will some people, like those phony baloney libertarians, David, Ernie and Mike will accuse me of giving this information to the cops, I am sure the cops already have this information and know how to extract the GPS information from you photos.

A few months back software billionaire John McAfee made the news on this issue when he was a fugitive and was releasing photos to the media.

Some hacker took the photos and extracted the GPS information and determined that John McAfee was lying about the location he claimed the photos were shot at.

Tempe City Logo???

Check out this cool city of Tempe logo I found!!!!!
City of Tempe logo - Nazi Germany German swastika, Soviet Union hammer and sickle, and of course a KKK or Ku Klux Klan knight white robe, they must be proud to be employees of the city of Tempe

Tempe Town Lake causes nothing but problems for local residents

The Tempe Town Toilet causes nothing but problems for local Tempe residents according to this article.

Messy yard cops shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo

Tempe jackbooted messy yard cops are shaking down Tempe barber Dan Armijo who runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop In this article the tyrannical Tempe Messy Yard Police shake down Tempe barber Dan Armijo.

Dan Armijo runs Nash’s Valley Fair Barber Shop which is over on Southern and Mill Avenue at 115 E. Southern Ave in Tempe.

Hey Dan Armijo, I would come by your shop and get a haircut, but hell, I haven't gotten a hair cut since the early 1990's.

I don't need a hair cut any more then you need a jackbooted messy yard cop at your barber shop.

Jack Lowell's got a peace sign in his front yard

Jack Lowell - anti-war activist and messy yard criminals all rolled into one According to this article Jack Lowell has a cool peace sign in his front yard.

I suspect it is driving the Tempe messy yard cops nuts.

Social Security - How to get your loot

Sure everybody knows that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that the government uses to tax the krap out of you while at the same time lulling you into believing that your government masters are putting the money they steal from you into a banking account that you can cash out when you retire.

Even if Social Security is a Ponzi scheme designed to screw you, you can get a few cents out of every dollar the government stole from you back.

Here is a series of articles by the Arizona Republic on how to do that.

My Will

OK, in case I get run over by a truck, or killed by government goons here is a copy of my will.

Spanish Ordinal Numbers

One, two three, uno, dos, tres. First, second, third, primero, segundo, and tercero. OK here are the Spanish Ordinal Numbers.

The Spanish Alphabet

OK, here is the Spanish alphabet.

B is referred to as be grande ("big B") and the V as ve chica ("little V"). U is sometimes topped with a dieresis or umlaut, as in vergüenza.

"RR" (erre doble) was once considered as a separate letter. "CH" was also considered a separate letter.

Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in Phoenix

This url lists a bunch of Spanish language newspapers and magazines in the Phoenix metro area.

Map of the Phoenix Canal System

For your viewing pleasure right here we have a map of the Phoenix canal system

Cops try to murder homeless people???

Man I got screwed up this morning. I gut stuck by a 2 inch cactus needle in my leg.

Marijuana, grown in a National Park near you!!!!

According these articles drug cartels are moving their operations from Mexico to places that are cheaper to operate in.

And of course that means they are now growing their marijuana in American National Parks which are closer to the final destination of their drug users in the USA.

Babes from the Los Angeles Times

Here are some hot babes from the LA Times. Don't worry they all have their clothes on and are legally allowed on these tripod web pages.

Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011

This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site lp.org/platform

Books on my reading list

Here are some books on my reading list.

They are mostly computer geek books, or books that document the history of evil government deeds.

A Table of Contents for Homeless in Arizona

A toc for Homeless in Arizona?

IBM mainframe computers???

Hmmm.... Just what are IBM mainframe computers?

COBOL, TSO, CICS, IMS, TSO, SPF, VM/CMS, VSAM, ISAM whats all that stuff?

I am a rock?

I am a Rock

Recycle Plastic Bags - Throw a monkey wrench into the recycling program???

Recycle plastic bags and throw a monkey wrench into city recycling programs???

I hate those annoying government recycling programs which always lose money and the only environment they make better is the wallets of the special interest groups the government let run the program.

After reading this article I may just start recycling all my plastic bags!!!!

More articles on Kyrsten Sinema

Some previous articles on Kyrsten Sinema.

Here are some other articles on Kyrsten Sinema - Kyrsten Sinema. 1 2 3 4 5

If you love taxes and hate guns you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema. If you think most people are too stupid to run their own lives and that most people need a government nanny to tell then how to live you will probably get along with Kyrsten Sinema real well. If you think that marijuana should be effectively illegal by taxing the krap out of it you will probably love Kyrsten Sinema and her proposed 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.

Kyrsten Sinema the government tyrant that proposed a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana

November 2013

January, 2014

Homeless in Arizona

stinking title